To register for NMLETP Courses, please click here.
Selective Traffic Enforcement Program
The STEP class assists law enforcement in developing, implementing, and managing traffic safety programs. Participants will learn to apply STEP to traffic problems in their particular area of responsibility. The course is designed for law enforcement personnel, including but not limited to, field officers, first line supervisors, managers, administrators, grant managers, and law enforcement program coordinators.
At-Scene Traffic Crash Investigation
This course will arm the student with the necessary skills to conduct a thorough traffic crash investigation and properly document your findings for courtroom presentation. The student will learn the proper procedures for measuring, scale diagramming, and photographing in order to record physical evidence and essential facts available only at the crash scene. The student will learn the fundamentals of mathematics, physics and engineering as they pertain to crash investigations and the proper mathematical equations to apply for the type of crash being investigated. Finally, they will learn to analyze the information to determine what happened before, during, and after the collision.
PREREQUISITE: Students must be experienced field officers with a strong understanding of mathematical concepts.
Advanced Traffic Crash Investigation
The Advanced Crash Investigations course will address the advanced concepts of traffic crash investigations, such as acceleration/deceleration rates and airborne situations. Students will learn to estimate speeds and calculate kinetic and linear momentum resulting from falls, vaults, and flips. Students will also learn to evaluate vehicle lamps, tires, and damage to help determine vehicle behaviors during collisions.
Traffic Crash Reconstruction
The course will assist the student with further understanding of vehicle dynamics in a crash. The student will take part in more intense study of time/distance calculations, angular momentum, and impact speed calculations using momentum equations. This course includes extensive project work and controlled vehicle experiments to provide the student with first-hand experience in crash reconstruction. Each student will be required to diagram and analyze different crash scenarios, as well as complete vector sum analyses of each.
Radar/LIDAR Operator Training*
This 2-day training assists law enforcement personnel in developing the skills necessary to succesfully operate radar and laser speed measurment devices. Students will gain the comprehensive understanding of the motivation, basic methods, principles, and operation of radar and laser speed used in speed enforcement. Training topics include detailed mathematic and scientific principles, information about moving and stationary radar, legal issues, and preparring for court testimony.
The training is designed for law enforcement personnel, including but not limited to field officers and first line supervisors
*PREREQUISITE and REQUIREMENTS: Students should bring a radar unit (in-car and/or hand-held) LIDAR unit, reflective vest, and note taking material. Students may attend one class or both classes.